Saturday, December 29, 2012

One Week!

WOW! I am leaving for Ireland in less than one WEEK! That means I am going to be living in a completely different country, with a different family, TEACHING. There are so many overwhelming (but exciting) things that are going to happen very soon. Number one - I am making a huge step towards my future. I am starting student teaching! This is the last step in my college career and the first step towards my professional career. That is a lot to take in and it makes me feel so old! Besides that, I am leaving the country to do it - alone might I add. I have never felt so many emotions at one time! (excited, nervous, anxious, overwhelmed, unprepared, prepared, etc.) Besides the millions of things that I have going on in my head, I have so so much to do. I suppose packing would be a step in the right direction. I went to the bank the other day, and I got some foreign money so at least I am a little prepared. Thats about all I have really done to get ready. (ha) On a more serious note, I have a lot to do in this upcoming week - all of which I will accomplish (because I have to). The other thing that I cannot stop thinking about is my host family! I am so excited to meet the family taking me in for 3 months. I can't wait to put a face to the family to whom I have been talking (via e-mail) for the past couple of months! This post is extremely scattered, and I guess that is appropriate because thats how my brian is right now!

Ways I have prepared for my trip:
       Listened to Irish accents via the internet, movies, music, etc
       Researched some Irish history - very interesting
Thats about it for my preparation so I suppose I should get a move on it!

Next time I talk to you I will be in Ireland - oh my goodness

Katie :)